Tarvenn Ventures, investing in 9 startups in 2018, will continue to support entrepreneurs

Tarvenn, an international investment and advisory company engaged in seed capital investment to startups in Turkey with its Smart Money model, announces 2018 infographic

“Tarvenn Ventures and Advisors”, being frequently mentioned through the investments it made in 2018, shared a summary of last year. As a consulting firm, Tarvenn Ventures, which uses its international experience actively for the growth of the companies it invests in, enables startups to grow rapidly with its Smart Money model.

In 2018, Tarvenn reviewed 19,248 startups from all sectors and evaluated 9,210 startups and met face to face with 843 of them. Tarvenn Ventures, which decided to invest in 9 startups; established a wide range of startup portfolio in the food, health, agriculture, energy, gaming, e-commerce and service sectors. The average valuation of the investments is announced as 1.7 million TL and the average share rate as 14%.

Smart Money for Smart Startups!

Tarvenn, apart from the capital with its Smart Money model, offers information, experience and connections to the startups and opens all consultancy services, connections, strategic cooperation, operational information and experience to the startups for free of charge. Each startup receiving investment gets an average of 67 hours of support from 9 different business development team members each month. The given support is mostly focused on business development, sales and finance. The improvement in the invested startups also attracts attention. Post-investment startups make out their first bills and are able to generate income within an average of 19 days. These startups become profitable within an average of 84 days. Each enterprise is growing on average by 39% on a monthly basis. While the rate of pre-investment startups with income is 22%, none of these are profitable. After the investment, all of Tarvenn’s investing startups begin generating income and 67% becomes profitable.

Tarvenn CEO Mustafa Kopuk stated that they work for the success of the startups as a team member rather than the investor and they try to do what’s right, in the righteous way together with the entrepreneurs to be successful.

Regarding the consultancy services, Tarvenn in 2018 offered consulting services to 26 companies in 6 different countries, including Turkey. While the total value of the companies to which Company Valuation Service provided was 847 million TL; the value of companies in which Tarvenn advised in the company sales, mergers and acquisitions was 139 million TL. Tarvenn’s other strategic advisory services, provided 92.4 million TL benefits to its customers worth and declared that the most demanded services are Company Sales, Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Consultancy, Venture Fund Management Consultancy and Venture Transformation Consultancy.


Tarvenn Ventures and Advisors CEO Mustafa Kopuk stated that they have accomplished successful projects in 2018 and said that “Last year was very productive for us. We have proven how accurate our approach and model are to the startups. Also in 2019, we will continue to invest in the startups in Turkey with Smart Money model. We aim for 12 new investments. In addition, this year we will put different efforts for the development of venture investment. The interest of individuals towards entrepreneurship in Turkey is increasing every day, but we see that the interest in being an investor of retail and corporate startups is not at the desired level. We also know about the concerns and problems of potential investors. We will work tirelessly to make all capital owners, no matter how big or small, see startups as the most suitable investment instrument.”

For detailed information about the invested startups you can visit https://www.tarvenn.com/girisimlerimiz-portfolio/

Author: Tarvenn Ventures
Tarvenn Ventures and Advisors, yenilikçi girişimlere erken aşamada yatırım yapan ve yatırımcılara, girişimcilere, kurumsal şirketlere ve sermaye fonlarına stratejik danışmanlık hizmetleri sunan İstanbul merkezli uluslararası bir yatırım ve danışmanlık firmasıdır. Faaliyetlerini Türkiye başta olmak üzere Balkanlar, Doğu Avrupa, Orta Asya ve Kuzey Afrika bölgelerinde sürdürmektedir.

Who We Are

Tarvenn is an Istanbul-based international investment and advisory firm. Tarvenn has an exceptional knowledge and experience in Turkey, Balkans, Central Asia, North Africa and CIS regions.

We build the future with our portfolio, international experience, corporate customers and strategic alliances.

Our business is to build yours…

Advisory Servicesdiscover our services


We help you to build strong portfolio for your fund


We make your dreams come true in your challenging journey


We provide professional M&A services for both seller and buyer

We help you to access new international markets and succeed

We help both startups and investors to raise funds or invest wisely


We ensure the sustainable growth by being your board member

We help you to understand the value of your business or a target

We help you to transform your business to the better


We help you to build strong portfolio for your fund


We make your dreams come true in your challenging journey


We provide professional M&A services for both seller and buyer

We help both startups and investors to raise funds or invest wisely

We help you to understand the value of your business or a target


We make your dreams come true in your challenging journey


We provide professional M&A services for both seller and buyer

We help you to access new international markets and succeed

We help both startups and investors to raise funds or invest wisely


We ensure the sustainable growth by being your board member

We help you to understand the value of your business or a target


We help you to build strong portfolio for your fund


We provide professional M&A services for both seller and buyer

We help you to access new international markets and succeed

We help both startups and investors to raise funds or invest wisely


We ensure the sustainable growth by being your board member

We help you to understand the value of your business or a target

We help you to transform your business to the better


We help you to build strong portfolio for your fund


We make your dreams come true in your challenging journey


We provide professional M&A services for both seller and buyer

We help both startups and investors to raise funds or invest wisely


We ensure the sustainable growth by being your board member

We help you to understand the value of your business or a target

We help you to transform your business to the better

What We Doour business is to build yours

We provide capital, network, knowledge and expertise to the extraordinary entrepreneurs with passion and vision to make their dreams come true.

We offer professional strategic advisory services to investors, entrepreneurs, corporate customers, venture capital funds, acceleration programs and incubators.

Author: Tarvenn Ventures
Tarvenn Ventures and Advisors, yenilikçi girişimlere erken aşamada yatırım yapan ve yatırımcılara, girişimcilere, kurumsal şirketlere ve sermaye fonlarına stratejik danışmanlık hizmetleri sunan İstanbul merkezli uluslararası bir yatırım ve danışmanlık firmasıdır. Faaliyetlerini Türkiye başta olmak üzere Balkanlar, Doğu Avrupa, Orta Asya ve Kuzey Afrika bölgelerinde sürdürmektedir.

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